Text Search with Trigrams in PostgreSQL

Text Search With Trigrams Hey folks, consider the situation you are writing a mail to your manager and you misspelled the word “cancel” as “cancer”. Then your text editor comes to the rescue and provides suggestions that you should type cancel instead of cancer. How does it find that spelling…


REACT-NATIVE Debugging: How to make it better with Sentry?

In this blog, I will just share with you my thoughts on react-native front-end monitoring challenges and ways to overcome them with Sentry FrontEnd Error Monitoring - FrontEnd Monitoring is one of the significant cautious areas however we may expect exceptions to happen randomly based on the device's state and…


EC2 – What is the easy way to connect with it?

This blog is all about how to connect EC2 with a single word using bash, take a look into it. What is bash scripting? “A Bash(or Bourne Again Shell) script is a plain text file which contains a series of commands. These commands are a mixture of commands we can…


6 Useful Ruby Libraries For Web Application

This article is a basic collection of some useful ruby libraries with example. Here I will talk about abbrev, benchmark, chronic, erb, faker and redcarpet. We can use these for adding up good features. And improvements for our applications. Some of these are available with ruby standard installation, while others…


Timezone – How to handle it in ruby on rails ?

We all live in different timezone in this world just as our users use our applications in different ones. But what does it mean for ROR applications? What is the application's timezone? Ever wondered how rails uses timezone for the timestamp displayed on UI? Configuration in application.rb as given below…

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