Memory leakage – what is the easy way to find it?

Memory Leakage Before getting into memory leakage, an understanding of memory management is necessary. It happens manually in languages like C and C++. For example in C, whenever you want to allocate dynamic memory, you need to use malloc(). Later it is only the responsibility of the developer to free…


Code Smells: A Better understanding on it

Code smells usually provide hints that may point to deeper underlying issues in the code structure and architecture. According to Martin Fowler, they are often an indicator of a problem rather than the problem themselves. Let's look at some common ones: Long Method Long methods, like their name, are too…


React Native FlatList – What is the better alternative?

Searching for React Native FlatList Alternatives? Chances are if you are reading this blog post, it means you want to improve your React Native App’s Performance, especially if you are rendering FlatLists and notice white bottoms when scrolling too fast. In this Article, you learn about the two most popular…


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