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The test strategies involves quality engineers collaborating with stakeholders, end users and team members. Then, this interaction is suggested throughout the development pipeline to achieve High Quality Deliverables. According to me, High quality can be achieved using numerous elements. Whats more, Let’s comprehend this by dissecting a few of these components. Hence, these tests demand a profound understanding of the code and the corresponding system in operation. Whereas others do not. Finally some tests demand manual execution. Besides some tests that can be reliably automated.

Static Test Strategies:
This is first step…
In order to streamline high-quality deliverables in the first step, we integrate every stake holder in review meetings. This is to assess requirements, design and code.
Okay!Lets understand this with an example. Consider a New Model Car is been manufactured. Commencing testing after constructing the entire car to verify its functionality is a significant expenditure of both resources and time. Lets understand how collaborative development and testing works together to achieve high quality.
Hmmm…Consider the whole Car is designed and the testing is begun. These are the bugs being identified by the tester.

LOL! The Car has Clutch.But the car should be a Automatic vehicle(Discrepancies).

Secondly, then the Car fails to display the Brand name(Missing details).

Lastly! Envision a car design having a petrol tank, despite being an electric car(Vague Functionalities).

Clearly finding these bugs after constructing the entire car is a significant expenditure of both resources and time. Involving broader spectrum of stakeholders, Business domain experts, Architects and Quality Engineers helps evaluating requirements and scrutinise designs. This is to unleash discrepancies, missing details, vague functionalities, etc.
This is Second step…
Peer reviewing developers code and finding a defect before hand is necessary. This is because it saves the process of building, installing, and running a system solely for the purpose of bug identification and rectification.
Structural Test Strategies:
This is third step…
Structural test strategies involve White Box testing. Wherein QEs do not merely validate the code. Rather they gain insight into the potential performance capabilities and limitations of the code. Basically it assists Risk based testing. Risk based testing focuses on critical and high-risk areas of the software.
Consequently, by manually executing negative scenarios which are found based on the insights derived from white box testing, we can identify bugs. This approach enhances the visibility of affected modules for testers. Subsequently, we can pinpoint the modules affected by a code alteration or issue resolution. Further, enabling us to conduct manual testing to include specific areas and thereby uncovering more bugs.
Behavioural Test Strategies:
This is fourth step but important!…
Behavioural Testing is a very important strategy to concentrate on. This strategy is commonly referred to as Black Box testing. It involves both Manual and Automation testing. This is because it focuses on how a system acts rather than the mechanism behind its functions.
Here’s what we do in Black Box Testing
This approach involves conducting tests from a user’s standpoint.
Comprehensively traverse through workflows(Rigorous Functional Testing).
Enable two testers to enhance defect discovery and perspective(Collaborative Pair Testing).
Configurations(Effective Test Environment Management under the name of QEOps).
Performance aspects(Thorough Performance Testing).
Security considerations(Diligent Security Testing).
All elements involving the user experience(User-centric Usability Testing).
Here’s How we do Black Box Testing,
Manual testing involves Comprehensive Requirement Validation, Meticulous Test Planning, Creation of Test Scenarios, Test Case creation and Test Case execution. Automation, on the other hand, runs recurring regression tests. To ensure that new code implementations do not disrupt the functionality of existing features that are functioning as intended.
Front end test strategies:
This is the last and final step…
Evaluating the user-facing aspects of the software holds significant importance. This helps in enhancing the user experience, guaranteeing that graphical user interface (GUI) elements perform as intended. This effort primarily centres around User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Which aims to ensure that the software meets the users’ expectations and functions effectively from their perspective.
Happy Testing!
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