Push Notification – What is the easy way to implement it?

Mobile Push Notification To send any important or time-sensitive information to mobile app users, push notification is the safest and most efficient way. It is one of the most economical ways of connecting with clients. Push notifications are a fantastic substitute as they operate on the permission-based marketing method. It…


React Native FlatList – What is the better alternative?

Searching for React Native FlatList Alternatives? Chances are if you are reading this blog post, it means you want to improve your React Native App’s Performance, especially if you are rendering FlatLists and notice white bottoms when scrolling too fast. In this Article, you learn about the two most popular…


REACT-NATIVE Debugging: How to make it better with Sentry?

In this blog, I will just share with you my thoughts on react-native front-end monitoring challenges and ways to overcome them with Sentry FrontEnd Error Monitoring - FrontEnd Monitoring is one of the significant cautious areas however we may expect exceptions to happen randomly based on the device's state and…


Fabric Architecture – How it makes the react native better?

Fabric architecture for react-native has created excitement among all react-native mobile application developers since its inception in 2018. When we come to develop mobile applications, all these cross-platform languages are being compares with their native app counterparts. Mainly because there is always a visible performance gap. Mostly due to the…

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